What is BTMS-50?

What is BTMS-50?

Apr 17th 2022

The BTMS-50 is a vegetable-based hair and skincare ingredient derived from:

1. High active (50%) Behentrimonium Methosulfate, which comes from the natural plant oil colza (canola), commonly known as rapeseed oil.

2. Fatty alcohol (Cetyl Alcohol)

3. Butylene Glycol, a humectant that retains moisture.

Anti-static effect: Being cationic in nature because of its positively charged head, the BTMS-50 is drawn towards the negatively charged keratin proteins in hair, producing an anti-static effect by neutralizing the charges and decreasing friction.

Conditioning agent: The anti-static property of the emulsifying wax BTMS-50 makes it an excellent conditioning agent as you smoothly comb through your hair while they’re wet, without leaving them greasy after use. It works best for both leave-on and rinse-off hair conditioners, and hair detanglers.

Emulsifying agent: When it comes to emulsions, such as lotions, scrubs, and silicon-based hair conditioners, mixing oil and silicone with water is challenging. But when you pour the BTMS-50 into the formulation, it acts as an emulsifier and effectively mixes the two phases (oil and water) together.

Emulsion stabilizer: As a quaternary ammonia salt, the BTMS-50 remains positively charged at neutral, acidic, and basic pH, imparting exceptional emulsion-stabilizing properties to your product.

Gentle on the skin: Safe for all skin types, the BTMS-50 resists wash-off, leaving your skin soft with a powdery feel. Because of its gentle nature, it can be used in leave-on skincare products.

Safe: With a pH of 5 to 7, the conditioning emulsifier BTMS-50 is safe for all your hair and skin care formulations, such as lotions, scrubs, body butters, creams, lip balms, hair conditioners, detanglers, hair mists, bath bombs, deep conditioning relaxers, and other self-care products.